Our Company

The Beetons Clean name is inspired by the legendary Isabella Beeton, who authored "Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management" in 1861. Just as Mrs. Beeton revolutionized household management during her time, Beetons Clean is dedicated to bringing innovation and excellence to the realm of long-term care housekeeping management.

Let Beetons Clean be your reliable partner in managing housekeeping tasks, helping ensure a hygienic home for those under your care

Our Mission

Streamlining Housekeeping Management for
Long-Term Well-Being

We understand the critical role of IPAC and cleanliness in residents’ quality of life. Our philosophy revolves around creating a safe, hygienic, and comfortable space that promotes the well-being and happiness of all.

Our Values

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Resident Quality of Life
Like you, we value resident safety and quality of life above all else. Beetons Clean is designed to enhance their well-being and provide personalized care.
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Saving You Time
Have you ever thought that you could be doing something more productive with your time? We're here to help you reclaim that precious time, because once it's gone, you can never get it back.
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Security and Privacy
We take your privacy seriously. We never collect your personal information and, therefore, we cannot share it with anyone. See our privacy policy here
Who we are

Our team

Beetons Clean software was designed specifically to meet the needs of long-term care facilities. Created by Chinook Health Solutions Ltd., a company solely dedicated to supporting long-term healthcare providers Beetons Clean brings modern technology to housekeeping management — helping you improve resident care and comfort while streamlining daily tasks and ensuring compliance. That’s how we help you build a better future for your long-term care home.

team member
Howard Brekke, M.Sc.
President & Co-Founder

Howard is the co-founder of Chinook with his brother Wade, a long-term care professional. Together, they spearheaded the creation of Beetons Clean, an innovative solution aimed at enhancing housekeeping operations within the long-term care industry.

team member
Nick Facey, M.Sc.
Board Member & ​Advisor

A former chief of staff to British Columbia’s Minister of Health, Nick leads the industry solutions group at Unity Technologies, one of the world’s leading software companies.

team member
Linda McCluskey, B.Sc.
Client Advocate

An experienced long-term care professional, Linda worked for 14 years as a registered dietitian, senior manager, and director of hospitality at a group of 29 care homes across Western Canada.

Suzanne Fox, R.N., M.S.N., C.E.C.
Senior Advisor

Formerly the Executive Director of Long-Term Care and Assisted Living for the Fraser Health Authority, Suzanne boasts over 20 years of leadership experience in both private and public healthcare organizations. Her expertise contributes significantly to strategic decision-making and operational excellence.

Jocelyn Rempel, R.N., M.N.
Senior Advisor

As an accomplished gerontological nurse and Chair in Older Adult Health at Mount Royal University, Jocelyn has spearheaded a number of initiatives to improve the lives of aging people, including the establishment of a  Centre for Health and Innovation in Aging. Additionally, she has been a dedicated educator since 2006, bringing a unique blend of practical experience and academic insight to the team.

Board Members
Christy Tomkins-Lane, Ph.D
Board Member

An award-winning scientist with expertise in big data and digital health, Christy is the Chair of Health and Physical Education at Mount Royal University.

team member
Crystal Phillips
Board Member

Crystal is Vice President at Calgary-based venture capital firm Thin Air Labs, and the founder and Vice Chair of the Branch Out Neurological Foundation.

Jaret Hargreaves
​Board Member

With 15+ years of experience building digital health solutions, Jaret has extensive expertise in discovery and delivery of digital products.

Transform your housekeeping operations today!

Streamline tasks, ensure compliance, and elevate excellence with Beetons Clean.